Hull Seahawks
Sun 30 Mar - 17:30
Buy Tickets
The Peterborough Phantoms logo is a trademark owned by Peterborough Phantoms Limited (PPL). The Peterborough Phantoms use this trademark/logo to identify Phantoms as a company and also Phantoms’ products. PPL maintains control over the usage of its trademark, and this document sets forth who may use this trademark, and under what terms and conditions the trademark may be used.
Fair Use
Do not use Phantoms’ trademarks/logos in any of your products or services that compete with any of Phantoms’ products or services. Use of Phantoms’ trademark/logos in your competing product or service is trademark infringement, and PPL will take legal action against you for violating this provision.
Laymen’s Terms: You are not allowed to use the Phantoms trademark to compete with the club. If you do, the club will take you to court. You cannot use the trademark without our permission for any purpose.
Usage Guidelines
Do not reproduce Phantoms’ trademark/logo without permission. Do not separate the elements of the logo or alter the logo in any way. Do not rotate or animate it, and do not use any part of the logo as a graphic element, background, or pattern in any way that competes with the Phantoms.
Do not add anything to the logos. Do not attempt to set the logotype, change the font, or alter the size, proportions, or space between letters. You must use Phantoms’ trademark/logo exactly as they are provided by the club.
Laymen’s Terms: When using our trademark(s), do not modify or change them in any way.
Other Uses
For any uses, you must contact the Peterborough Phantoms for express written permission. The club reserves the right to reject your request to use Phantoms’ trademark/logo for any reason. Phantoms’ contact information is below.
Laymen’s Terms: You need our permission to use our trademarks for any reason. If you send us a request to use our trademarks, we can say no for any reason.
Before You Buy
We use PayPal as our payment gateway. Please ensure you make a note of the email address you use on your PayPal account as this is the address you will receive your Live Stream code to (please check your junk or clutter inboxes if you have not received your code and add stream@gophantoms.co.uk to your safe senders list).
Commercial Licenses
The Peterborough Phantoms DO NOT allow public premises to stream with prior written permission.
Watching the webcast
Click on the ‘Buy Ticket’ button. This will take you through to purchase your ticket via PayPal. Once you have received your code (to the email address registered with PayPal), you will be able to put this code in the box to view the game.
Once purchased
For any technical support please email stream@GoPhantoms.co.uk or Tweet @PhanTVStudio. You will need to state your name and the email address that purchased the code.
The Peterborough Phantoms rely on a 4G connection at the rink. Due to factors that are out of our control, there may be occasional buffering or minor interruptions. The Phantoms will only refund a game if you lose more than one period of hockey.
The Peterborough Phantoms will not refund for the loss in viewing due to your own technical issues including internet speeds.
To claim a refund a complaint must be made on the evening of the game to stream@GoPhantoms.co.uk (state your name and the email address that purchased the code). Please state the problem. If the problem is due to the Phantoms service and is not resolved in adequate time (miss more than one period of hockey), a refund will be made.
A refund will not be generated unless you have requested this via email and actioned the point above.
Your request for a refund will be investigated on the first working day of the week and an email reply will be made ASAP.
Once a refund has been granted this can take up to 3-4 working days to show back in your bank account.